I am so thankful that the age gap between my children is considerably big because they didn’t have to contend with the use of the stroller. By the time my middle child was born, my eldest was already walking sturdily and could not be contained in a stroller anymore so my son had the stroller…
Month: April 2011
How to Backup Your WordPress Blogs Manually
There are many ways to backup your WordPress Blogs but so far I find this way as the safest way to get your files intact and the quickest way to restore them. At the end of this tutorial, you will have four files essential in restoring your blog/s to your new server or for backup…
Armani Parfum for Moms
It is going to be Mother’s Day 2011 in a couple of weeks. Yes, the Philippines celebration of Mother’s Day is different from those in other countries. Nevertheless, the thought and the emotions are pretty much the same—we celebrate the women who brought us into this world and who toiled hard to raise us up…