Calling college kids! Help transform communities with the Filipino youth! Young minds coming together can spark great ideas. Believing in the youth’s ideas and their desire to make a positive difference, Unilab Ideas Positive, a social marketing clinic and competition-in-one, provides a venue for college students to share their innovative and sustainable ideas to address…
Month: March 2012
The Impact of the Worldwide Web
Almost everything is done online nowadays, ordering and buying grocery and personal stuff, paying your utility bills, writing your daily journal, reading books, to online floral arrangements, to keeping our homes clean and safe, you can find them online. Unearth the worldwide web and you will discover a plethora of information, facts, data and everything…
PC680 Odyssey
Men love to talk about sports, gadgets and yes, cars. It’s a man thing really. Women, on the other hand, would rather talk about fashion, the home and the family and yes, relationships. When talks about gadgets and cars go on, they can become amazingly detailed in what works and doesn’t work. Men, generally, also…