Way back in 2011, we discussed traveling to the UK and highlighted a few of the top landmarks and attractions that may interest tourists in this part of the world. Indeed, some of the thing we pointed out—the British Museum, the London Eye, etc.—rank not only among the most interesting attractions in the UK, but…
Month: March 2015
Every New Mom’s Best Friend: The Sit-down Place
When you become a new mother, there is one thing you are going to start cherishing more than you ever did before – sitting. Between carrying your baby around, feeding them, rocking them to sleep, changing them, and getting up in the middle of the night to check on them, getting to sit down for…
Lemon Kiss: Dresses Fit for a Princess
I have three children, 2 girls and one boy. All of them are unique in every way. They have different interests and preferences in everything. For instance, my youngest daughter has her own preferences when it comes to the way she dress herself up. She doesn’t like wearing jeans or shorts. She always prefers wearing…