We all know who a man’s best friend is, right? Loyal than most humans, a dog would stand by his master come hell or high water. A dog can be the ultimate companion of men. In fact, I have seen people who are past their retirement age who live alone in their house with only a dog as their housemate.
Of course, it’s no fun at all if your dog is unruly. Not all dogs are created equal, there are those who are naturally tame and there are those who wild. It’s probably the reason why there are dog obedience training schools. Dog coaches understand the need to train dogs to make them the best companion possible. No matter how loyal a dog is, if he is rowdy or boisterous, its master couldn’t totally tolerate it.
So if you have a dog and you want it to be the best it can be, why not try sending it to an obedience school and see it make a complete turnaround for the better.