SocialSpark has helped many housewives like me earn a descent income at home. They have given me a way to provided for my children’s needs. Aside from this, they have also helped advertisers get their word out by using a very effective social medium.SocialSpark’s platform on social interaction between bloggers and advertisers is highly commendable, not only bloggers to advertisers or vice versa but also bloggers to bloggers alike. This company which is a daughter company of Izea has proven itself to provide advertisers a good way to market their websites and/or their products by means of blog advertising. The bloggers, in reality, are also the consumers itself. So basically, if you use SocialSpark as your means of advertising, your company or products are not only advertised for others to read but you have directly interacted with the would be buyer themselves.
There are several favorite companies that I would like to blog about through SocialSpark. Of course, who would beat my all time favorite cola – COKE, and my favorite chocolates – Kisses. I would like also to blog about my favorite digital scrapping software – Adobe PhotoShop CS2. And some other several websites that are not known to the greater web, blogging about them would really be cool. Websites that offer great services like blog makeovers and even banner or logo making.
So if you are planning to advertise your product or website, advertise with, we will be glad to blog about you!!
Mommy, congrats,,, Kaw pla Best post to date dito eh social spark regarding this ops.. hehehe