In my usual surfing, I have found a website that is just as green-minded as me and I really do appreciate them. Even its domain name is very green. It’s called As I read the pages of this site, I was so amazed on all the green products that they have to offer. They are selling all kinds of eco friendly products. Aside from that, what makes me appreciate this website more is that they contribute to environmental charities like Oceana and Healthy Child Healthy World and they live to their website’s mission to pursue green practices such as using recycled office supplies and kitchen materials, no using of plasticwares and the like.’s shopping department offers a wide array of green products from energy saving appliances, eco garden and outdoor living materials, eco furniture and lighting, solar power products, energy saving appliances, home décor, accessories and even baby beddings made from organic materials!
In this website, you will also access top notch information from reliable sources like US Department of Energy and the EPA at their learning center. Not to mention, they also have a green blog called “GreenMusings” where green stories and photos are being shared by employees to the public.
If you are green-minded like me, I recommend that you visit to check on all green stuff they have (especially the baby beddings made of organic marterial)!