When I stayed at home, I though I was physically OK. I now realized that my body is not yet in tuned for work. Anyway, it’s already too late and I have reported back. I have to answer all the pending questions, reports, projects, concerns, etc. which I was already doing at home even when I was on leave.
There was no difference between being at work and at home. I still do the same job responsibilities, except all the physical works, when I stayed (supposedly resting) at home.
Nope! I am not complaining with my job since I love what I am doing. The only thing that I felt and should be complaining about is my back and my joints. Gosh…I am still 28 years old but I felt like I am more like 75! Hehehe…
Anyway, since I am back at work, I am not always online, Of course during the evenings, but I can’t write or check on things that often. I will try to write and update everybody about my challenging life or the things I love to do (online business) as much as possible. And hey! I haven’t written my history yet…hehehe…I thing it’s for MMK material (local t.v. drama anthology).
So that’s it folks! I am back at work. I may not be online as possible but I am always hoping to keep in touch.
God bless,
hi. i’ve read many of your posts about online business and everything about paypal.
i’m a graduating student and i took interest in online business just recently. i would like to ask if you know some legit sites where i can join and earn? i joined this ptc website which says it pays a dollar for every advertisement viewed but i think $1 is big enough for just clicking a link and viewing it for a couple of seconds. i also want to blog but afraid that no one will visit it..
need help.
btw. you write well. keep it up. saludo ako sa mga mommy tulad mo:))
hello gracie!
thanks for the compliment. i really love to help but i don’t know how to contact you. if you have a chance to drop by here again, please leave me a way to contact you such as YM or email.