The before picture was taken last March 2008 while the after was just last month, November 2009. That is about 20 months more or less. And behold, look how far I have gained weight! Well, my arms are not obvious in that angle and so as my tummy but if I take a side shot of my body, the evidence is undeniable! You can clearly see how much I needed to take some fat burner pills just to maintain my ideal weight.
Anyway, the fat burning agenda can wait until next year. There are many sumptuous foods to take in and figures are just numbers for me this month. So, the reason I am posting this is that I want to remember how much weight I will gain in a span of few months and to remind me to take balanced diet seriously!
Mommy! wala yan, kailangan mo ng taba ngayong maliit pa si baby… 🙂
I, on the other hand is trying to gain weight 😐
angayan ka rubs na nitambok gamay!
for a mum who just gave birth, you’re doing pretty well.
Wow. Still sexy. By the way, I have updated my contest sponsor’s list but you don’t have a 125X125 badge for your other site sponsoring $5. Take a look on my left side bar and let me know the URL of your other badge. Thanks!
Got the link. Thanks. It is now updated! ^_^
You look great mommy.
You look good naman, nagkalaman nga eh.
Sexy! So, effective yan? 🙂 Ima try effective ba sis? or needed din ng exercise? 🙂
ay mommy sexy ka pa rin no.
I think I like the after picture more.