Just lately, I noticed red spots on my baby’s arms and legs. At first, I felt shocked of what I saw because the quickest idea that came to my mind was baby eczema. But after careful examination, thank God they were only insect bites! Anyway, I am still being careful. I don’t give full confidence…
Category: Health
Thermogenic Fat Burners
Honestly, I am a lazy person when it comes to doing physical exercise. I know I really needed it aside from the fact that it is being healthy, I need it to get my tummy back to pre-pregnancy state. My son always asks me if I am pregnant since I have a very big tummy….
The Gym is Dependent on My Toe
You have heard me so many times that I am planning to go and hit the gym. Unfortunately, because of the toe wound infection I got last February (and until now); I was not able to enroll myself at the gym and so as my hubby. I told him that if I am not going,…