Whenever I go downtown, I see a lot of glittering stuff—shiny tinsel decors and items decked with glitter dusts. I loved them! Christmas is really here!
And of course, whenever I see glittery stuff I associate them with gold, shiny yellow gold. I love the color of gold because it just matches anything. And wearing some gold jewelry lifts my mood. There’s nothing like the kick I get from wearing nice jewelry with a new outfit. They make me feel special and feminine.
I just wonder, would it be wise to buy gold this time of the year? A lot of items become more expensive during Christmas because businesses tend to take advantage of the consumer at this spending time of the year. However, I would also like to gift myself with a gold item. So I wonder if it is wise to wait for the New Year to buy a gold accessory? I am looking at jewelry stores lately and I wonder about the price difference. I have not checked last month so I have no way of comparing. What do you think?