Since I gotten hold of my credit card, I have enjoyed the convenience of shopping online. The ease and convenience really helped me save time and sometimes money. Unfortunately there are some online stores that don’t accept credit cards online. They transact only via bank or wire transfers that really makes it very hard for me and even other online shoppers to buy from their stores.
Then lately as I was searching for would be topics for my other blog related to online business resources, I was able to stumble upon They are offering business solutions to websites who wants to accept credit cards online or even those with retail terminals or charging goods by phone. Their merchant accounts being presented to websites or other companies can make credit card as a payment option incorporated to their stores. Aside from that, they also have shopping cart solutions that can be integrated easily to the client’s online store.Anyway, I wish more online stores avail of such business solution. They will certainly lose a lot of customers if they will not learn to adapt on developing times in the business market.