There would come a time that someone in the family would get old and will have special needs. There are families who can’t afford to place their elders in nursing homes simply because they don’t want their elders to spend the final days of their lives with people they aren’t related with. They’d rather pay private nurses who will stay with their elders in their home than leave them alone with other elders in nursing homes.
Room for elders should have bed pads and mattress protectors for incontinence and other similar equipment. Their bed should be as dry as possible and it would be impractical to change sheets every now and then. If you’re choosing to take care of your elders at home, you should be ready with all these things. Aside from investing energy, strength and patience, you should also be prepared financially to sustain the comfort that you’re providing them.
During their able years, these people worked so hard to provide their kids everything that they need and as much as possible make their lives as comfortable as it can be. It’s about time that these kids would pay back their parents. Giving them a comfortable and relaxing retirement years is just nothing compared to what they have done for their children.
If you have any plans of starting to renovate your parents’ room, start it by checking to have a glimpse of the things that they need in their room like trapeze bars and similar equipment.
awww just remembered my lolo who recently passed. hope i can comfort my parents when they grow old.
My grandma and mom in nursing home, but separate location but facilities not like above.
There are a lot of nice homes for elderly people in the US. If you want the best care you should be willing to pay for it.
Is good to know, here I don’t see any that is good maybe because they are depend on how much you pay
Happy Birthday Mommy Ruby! God bless you more. 🙂
This is nice to keep in mind. It’s great that there are so many innovations nowadays to help our elders.
i am used to living with old people such as mom and my aunt. lucky for me they are fit and very healthy at their age. i do my best to take care of them by making sure they are comfortable and i avoid doing things that will make them worry. am not sure though if they will like sleeping in special mattresses as they prefer old stuff.