When my hubby and I were malling, he asked me what I need to look in a building first before getting comfortable with the place. So, I immediately replied, “Comfort Room (Rest Room)!” That came out of my mind because I tend to go pee most of the time especially when I am cold. Then of course, he said I was wrong. He said I should look for exit signs so that in case of emergency, I wouldn’t panic and run like hell confused. At least when I know where the emergency exits are, I would be confident to go out and not panic.
Well, he does indeed have a point there! Many people died in public buildings during fire because they were trapped inside. They don’t know where the emergency exits are so they tend to panic and run to the main entrances. Some get injured not because of fire but got trampled from a crowd stampede.
Anyway, an exit sign can easily be seen nowadays at most public places. Most building codes require them to hang them visibly so that the public could easily see them. They also have glow in the dark signs, in neon colors and some are made from reflecting stickers.
So now, when I am in the mall, movie theaters or other commercial buildings, I am now conscious of finding exits signs as I enter. It always pays to be cautious!
Ako din, restroom din hanap ko eh. But your husband is right, especially in enclosed areas like theaters, bars and restaurants, it is wise to know the exit signs.
mao gyd sa Pinas pa ko unya naa ko sa theater exit ako pangitaon..
I agree with Badet. We should be aware of exit signs…just in case kapag may emergency…we know where to go. ^_^
Naa bitaw sd joke asa ka mogawas kung mo enter…sa exit hehehe joke3x.
I just read your about me mommyruby you are from the city of golden friendship pala, naa amo dha sa macabalan, unahan sa pier. Hows the buhay buhay naman diyan sa bacolod hope everything is doing well.
This is a very true observation. Most of us never really think of checking out where the exits are when we enter a building. Good advice 🙂
Ako din restrooms ang hanap ko next lang ang exit signs kasi I tend to leave the place agad pag di ako comfy.
i dont check for exit signs also 🙂
i always leave those things din to my husband. my concern is always where we will eat 🙂
Even though you can see conspicuous exit signs anywhere in a building today, yet you can’t be really sure if it’s “functioning” or not; it’s because most of the exit doors are locked because the owners are afraid of being robbed… It’s the sad side of that story…
Enjoy the weekend, Mommy Ruby!
mommy naa ko award nimo…
uhmm napaisip ako doon ah, anyway your husband is right we must look for exit signs so we know where to go when emergency occurs matanong ko nga si terry regarding nito lol anyway girl I have an award for you no rush just take ure time
Hello! I’ve got something for you HERE!
How are you, Mummy Ruby? You seems busy these past days. Hope you’re having fun!
Take care!
i am having the same attitude too recently…most especially when watching movies and when i am new to a place, i am always looking first for the exit sign.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Hi Mommy Rubs, nag leave ako ng offline message sa yo today.. i lost your cel number sa YM di n save sa archive ko kya di kita n text, sensya na ha. Chat na lang tayo tonight. 🙂
Take care! mwah
I think it was 9/11 that changed my outlook towards building and I also look for fire exists in buildings. Another think that I often look for is an meeting point which is easy to spot and friends can be asked to reach that point.