With the current working lifestyle of many people, either they are stuck in the office sitting all day in their cubicle or stuck at one corner of the house, still, working. The main problem with the usual working lifestyle is the lack of oxygen they could have had if only they would change their lifestyle.
Those who are part of the corporate world may not be able to change their schedule and work environment so they can change their working lifestyle unless the management or company owner sees the need and acts on it. The home workers, though, can do something about it, especially those who are working online.
Instead of working inside your house, work outside! Most of internet workers are hooked using a laptop with wifi so the working tool is actually mobile and portable. You will just need an outdoor furniture bench with a matching table somewhere in the middle of your garden so that the air that goes around is more potent with oxygen.
Encourage your children and spouse to join you in your quest to a healthier family. Add benches outdoor so there is a place for them to play too. Just make sure you have the right size of shade especially when the sun is up which direct heat is enough to give you skin cancer. Install also some playground items like a swing made out of an old tire tied with a rope and up a sturdy tree branch. That will encourage your children to be outdoors often.
If you still do not have a garden, start to have one. As you have learned from your primary schooling, oxygen comes from plants and the carbon dioxide we emit as we exhale is what the plants need. So you see, it is a mutual benefit having a garden to work or play in.
Also, writing outside and so close to nature can help the words flow easier from your mind right down to your keyboards. There’s something about being outdoors that makes you more creative and inspired.
That’s very true, it’s better to stay outside so we are not that exposed with radiation of the gadgets , let ourselves feel the fresh green surroundings outside that gives us more oxygen 😀