Today marks my 7th blog anniversary. I remember creating this blog and my first blog post that day. I was at home because I was recently discharged from the hospital. I got a miscarriage and took a leave from work. Out of curiosity (from the insisting invites from friends to create one because it can bring in money) and sheer boredom, I created this blog.
Though it started with an unhappy memory, this blog created a lot of memories for me. My life was literally turned upside down. From a career mom, I took the ultimate plunge and started working from home because of this blog. I am not exaggerating but this blog changed my life!
Anyway, there were times I wanted to stop blogging but the thought of letting this blog go sends shivers to my spine. I can’t imagine! It is like my child (the child that I lost during pregnancy). I can’t let go of this blog. As I reflect, this blog and even blogging as a whole became a part of who I am. We are somehow inseparable.
Now… now… now… enough with the drama, as I promised in my blog’s Facebook fan page, I will have a giveaway. BUT I am not going to post the mechanics now. I will do so before the month ends. So as for now, let me just enjoy the fact that this blog and me are now 7 years old in the blogosphere. Isn’t that great??!!
Happy Anniversary Pinay Mommy Online!
Thank you for all your help when I started my blog. I must say your blog was an inspiration. Thanks also for all the tips, technical assistance and most of all for the friendship 🙂 It is through blogging that our friendship has been birthed. 🙂
Cheers to 7 years of blogging. Hoping you’ll continue to inspire others through this blog.
God bless!
Thank you so much for the greeting! I am really happy that I get to meet you Mommy Bogie and the rest of our friends here in the city. Blogging is such a big blessing to me!
Wow! 7 years of blogging…This had me counting on how many years did I started my own blog too. Yours is one year ahead of me… Cant believe it! I do admit that blogging did contribute much of the success and happiness I am having now and I am thankful for that. You’re one those blessing in my blogging journey Pinay Mommy. Thank you and may you have more blogging years to come! 🙂
Happy Anniversary Pinay Mommy Online. More blessings to come sis.
Happy Anniversary Pinay Mommy Online 🙂 More Blessings for you as you are to me. You introduce me to the Blogging World and to the real people too. Thank You for the friendship and continue to be an inspiration to us. Mwuahhh!!!
Happy anniversary Pinay Mommy Online!
Happy Anniversary, Pinay Mommy Online! Even though you started your blog with an unhappy memory, many blessings have come your way through it. You have also become an inspiration to the mommies out there, so why the thought of stopping it? Just continue with what you’re doing and I know you’ll be a blessing to others too. Kudos! 🙂