Most of us are obsessed with our smartphones. Today it seems like we can’t even think of spending a single day without our devices. Not only adults, but the kids are also glued to their smartphones and tabs. The thought of losing our phone is scary for all of us, but unfortunately, the rate of smartphone theft in the Philippines and even around the world has increased dramatically.

Mobile phone theft.
And my friend had the same terrible experience, too. My friend lost her phone and no wonder she was down to tears for losing all her private data and picture. It was her luck; she had a reliable phone locator app installed on her phone. She didn’t dare think what could have happened otherwise!
Phone theft is becoming a crisis!
We all are at the risk of becoming victim to mobile thieves because it is expanding with each passing year. Let’s have a look at the Infographic by Consumer Reports which shows the rate of such incidents with passing years.
According to the stats shown in this Infographic, the numbers of lost or stolen smartphones in year 2012 were 1.6 million but it just increased drastically. In year 2013 it became 3.1 million. Isn’t it alarming? Well I think this rate is too huge!
When my friend lost her phone she had too many pictures, contacts, and important documents saved in it. It was a completely panic situation for her. But then, she pat herself for the wise decision she took only a couple of months ago. She used the mobile tracking feature and located it very quickly.
How she tracked her lost phone?
When she installed FamilyTime app she never thought that it could ever help her in tracking lost phone. She had been using it to tack her location and for getting the PickMeUp alerts from her daughter. She lost her iPhone in the supermarket and her husband reminded her about the FamilyTime.
She used its location tracking feature and got the exact location of the phone through virtual map. The best part is that it takes only a minute to locate the phone. There are some other very helpful tracking specs which can make life easier:
- Track mobile phone 24/7
- Track the location history any time
- Get auto check-ins and check-outs
- Geo-fence and get alerts
The best part is that FamilyTime is available on the Google Play and iTunes app store and it’s for free. All you have to do is to install the app on your phone or tab.
And then from your own FamilyTime app, get the link for the FamilyTime child app. That app needs to be installed on your child’s phone. Now you have to link the two phones by activating the apps and you’re all ready to start digital monitoring!
Locator app – Ultimate savior!
You can very well say that phone locator app can be the ultimate savior in case of phone theft! These apps make it a breeze to locate the stolen or lost phone and the advanced apps like FamilyTime also let you lock the stolen phone- rendering it completely useless! So, don’t let your phone or your child’s land into wrong hands and safeguard their privacy and mobile data by phone tracking apps!