Well simple. I just drop. Nothing special about it since I am not a power dropper, I just drop and drop. Though I have my own preferences when dropping, for example for this blog: 1) I drop to all my favorite blogs, 2) I drop to those who dropped at my blog and 3) Drop to widgets that I find interesting until I reach 300. For my other blogs, like Mommy Makes Money Online and Blessings and Beyond, I just drop on my favorite blogs and those that dropped there. The rest, I just drop back to those that dropped at my blogs. I don’t strive hard to reach 300 for all only for this blog.
Technically that means, if you drop at my blogs, definitely you will get a drop back from me. Maybe not all in my blogs but most on my domain blogs.
So, how about you? How do you drop? Any preferences?
@ fatherlyours, yeah same here. i am not a power dropper. i just try to drop for my main blog. 🙁
@ mama bok, thanks for dropping by again. dropping is actually related to entrecard widget. something that could help blogs gain more traffic. you can get more additional info here: thanks!
I usually visit my inbox first to drop.I am not a power dropper because of very limited time I spent in from of my computer.Then I try drop those who are in my blogroll.
I hear alot about these drops..?? what is it anyways..??