As I started writing this post around 12:54am, I am already dressed and ready to go to the pier. Yup! I am boarding Negros Navigation’s St. Peter the Apostle and be bound for Cagayan de Oro around 3am today. Hopefully, by late evening, I will be hugging my children already!! I am so excited. ^_^
Well, of course, just like I left Cagayan last October, half of my heart was with my children. Now, half of it will be left here in Bacolod for my hubby. But I need not to worry because we will be reunited as a family this Saturday for my son’s birthday in Cagayan and I believe this would be an exciting day for all of us as a family. I just hope and pray that there would be no pride lurking but only happiness.
So, guys…bid me a safe journey home. My blogger’s leave has finally come to an end. Back to work for me!!
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have a safe trip mommy. TC
Wishing you a safe sail back home to your kids. I’m sure they miss you as well.
Mommy J
Wah have a safe trip Ruby and hug ur kids for me too! :):):)