If you want something in life, you should start by imprinting a mental picture in your brain and even a tangible picture on your desk. This will help you remind on what you want to achieve. Since I am only earning enough for our daily needs, I have chosen to dream small first. I wanted to own a scooter and start learning how to drive from it. Then I was off to a great surfing adventure to look for a picture of a scooter so that I will be able to imprint a mental picture…but I found a different kind of scooter!! Below it the picture of what I have found:
I was lead to website that sells Electric Mobility Scooters!! Well of course, it made me laugh because this was not the scooter I was expecting but I didn’t close the window. I continued to explore the website since electric mobility scooters are not that abundant here. Most average people only buy a simple wheel chair and the less unfortunate ones have improvised for themselves.
As I explored the website, I found myself admiring their products and the way they present it. Their website is easy to navigate and they offer best deals to their customers such as discounts and free shipping.
Though it was not the scooter that I expected, their website was indeed a good read. I learned a lot of things about new equipments on medical aids and how it comes in different models. It made my time worthwhile.