Ok, let’s discuss my blogs one at a time and of course their purpose why they exist. Here it goes:
Pinay Mommy Online (PMO) – is my personal main blog. She (I think my blog is a girl – LOL!!) is start of everything. She suffers everything. All my mistakes in blogging, all my experiment, all my brains and all my heart, that’s what she is. FEEDS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pmonline
Mommy Emotes (MOMEMO) – is still a personal blog but discusses more on how I make money online. My blogging opportunities and my “paid to click” companies, and other opportunities that I have tried, tested, and failed, they are all there. And of course, they are there for a reason – to share my personal views on these companies, to exposure the truth (scams), and to invite others who would like to share my experience with good companies (so, I am just your friendly beta-tester…hehehe…as they say wise is the man that learns from experience but wiser is the man that learns from others – so I am the wise, and those that follow my opps are wiser than I – agree??) It will also host my blog parties, offers and contest. PExlinks and the other projects I have that I have in mind will be transferred there. Of course, I will still blog about it here but not that much, just for invitational purposes. (So, if you wanna earn money from your blog or online – read my posts here – hope it could help you in your ventures) FEEDS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/momemo
OnlineBiz and Resources (OnlineBiz) – is still a personal blog (again) but I blog mostly about business opportunities that I found (not necessarily I joined – but mostly), blogging resources that I have found, ideas on how to make things work in a perspective of a newbie. It’s not a SEO blog but it determines to check-out things that relates to blogging and even resources that can make our blogging fun and more beneficial in every way. (if you’re looking for cool add-ons or enhancers for your blog – you can find it here – some, I am not using but it’s good to share it) FEEDS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pmonlinebiz
Pinay Mommy’s DigiScrap and Musings on Life (PMDIGI)– is my hobby blog. I still blog about my musings and rants but now all the time. Most of my posts there are my works. Not that I am showing-off or anything but I am just documenting my works. Maybe someday my grand children would laugh about how amateur their grandma is. It’s a place of giving digital gifts. If someday I can earn from my work…why not? I am open for that. (if we share the same passion in digital scrapping, you can find freebies here: cool tools, downloads, elements, and even membership sites related to scrapping) FEEDS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pmdigiscrap
Lourdes’ Mia (LM)– is my personal blog of surf addiction. I blog about anything that I have stumbled upon online, whether vitamins, credit cards, blogs, websites and traveling – as in anything. It’s also my review blog. I review those (blogs or sites) who want to be reviewed for FREE! But of course, I need a link back too. But I review the blog or anything in my own perspective, so, it’s still my opinion – I will just say what I want to say. Hehehehe!! (if you want to know what are the new things that I have found online that is worth blogging about – you can find it here) FEEDS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/lourdesmia
Do I have other blogs aside from these mentioned? YES! I do but they are not well maintained. I have a test blog for tweaking blog templates (experiment there before applying it) and I have a power drop site for EntreCard power drops. Of course, I have another blog especially for tags and memes (which I haven’t really taken cared of – sorry guys!!).
So, that’s it! Those are my 5 (trying to maintained) blogs. I hope you it could help you in some way. If you couldn’t visit all of them, you can always subscribe to their feeds using your email or a RSS reader. My blogs are personal but I wanted it to be a great help to everybody – especially newbie bloggers just like me.
amazing! i have to struggle through 5 or so blogs before successfully settling and sustaining the current one i have. more power to your blogs, pinay mommy! 🙂
wow ha, super mommy ka nga, super blog mommy, dami mong kinaabalahan..
yeah!!you must be really be very busy maintaining all these blogs.. I haven’t updated my blogs much since I’m out of town. ALL the bEST!
wow! you have a lot of blogs… i have to agree with a pp… super mommy ka talaga… super blogger pa