My mom was given a prescription to buy compression stockings to be used at home. I don’t have any idea at that time what was that all about not until now when I searched Mr. Wiki. It was said that it could help prevent blood clots from developing since studies shows that it may continue after you leave the hospital. These stockings will gradually compress. Its maximum compression happens at the ankle. It also decreases as the leg is moved up. This aid in helping the blood circulates and lymph fluids through the legs in combination of muscle pump of the calf. Nowadays, many compression stockings are available in different sizes, styles, opacities and colors. The most popular are TED Stockings. They may look similar like any ordinary socks or hosiery.
New Learnings: Compression Stockings
I remember the time when I graduated from college; both my parents were hospitalized that month. Not in the same time but when my mom was discharged in the morning, my father was admitted in the afternoon. What a month that was!!My mom had undergone surgery that time. She has her appendix removed because it was ruptured. My dad had a minor heart attack that time which also lead to the discovery that he has diabetes. Anyway, what I really remembered that time was that my mom was issued an order to buy a particular kind of socks.
hi mommy ruby….your one of my top 5 entredroppers pls see my blog for more details..