After signing up easily at .ph, I immediately added my main blog. And guess what?! In a span of few days, I was already seeing help statistics at my Nuffnang dashboard. I can see my blogs total page views and unique hits by the hour (yup guys…hours!). It also shows what country where they are coming from, referring sites and even the keywords wherein your blog is popular! So aside from the fact that you will be earning from ads shown at your blog, you will be getting all these blog analytics for FREE!
So, if you are from the Philippines, this is your chance to join this incredible opportunity. Be a Nuffnanger now by signing-up at
As for my case, I am already a proud Pinay Mommy Nuffnanger!!
hi i am visiting your blog again.i want to ask something, would you mind to exchange link with me?for you information, i have add you in my blogroll with name Pinay Mommy Online, please feel free to check it in my blog.thank you
@ informasilowongankerja, thanks for dropping by here again. i have added your blog already. thanks for the add too!
Gudlak. Sana mapalbilang tayo sa 68.
@ Filipinayzd, i really do hope so na mabilang tayo. it would be great!
Congrats sa my friend! We won!! the chosen 68!
thank you very much LJ for informing me. congrats to all of us!!
No problem! its just great to be recognized!
Congrats for being included with the 68 winners!
Congrats Mommy R!
congrats for being one of the 68 nuffnang winners:)