I am so happy!! I finally noticed that my BlogUpp widget has finally turned blue. It means that Pinay Mommy Online is approved for circulation. I will get impressions on other nine (9) BlogUpp widget for every ten (10) visitors I get from my blog. That would technically mean, I will be receiving more blog exposures and later on, it will literally convert to blog traffic!
BlogUpp widget is free to use. No hidden charges or whatsoever! It’s really easy to get one. Just visit their site, type-in your blog’s URL, and BlogUpp will get a screen shot of your blog. After that, you will get a code to install. The best part is, their codes are friendly! Even WordPress users can get one for themselves. Easy, isn’t it? No registration! No hassle!
congratulations mamita. just visiting you. hope your day is great.
I tried adding the widget to my blog and I couldn’t get it to post.
this is interesting. for someone who’s new to the blogging world, i need all the exposure ops that i can get. thanks for posting this, and more power to your blog. i will add you to my links. =)