If you are wanting to earn money from your site, it is important that your site drives a huge traffic. Some ways to start off is to submit your site url to search engines, listing, directories, etc. The most easiest way is to submit it to web directories.
What is a web directory anyway?
A web directory is also known as link directory. It is a directory in the WWW or World Wide Web. It specializes in linking other websites and categorizing those links. Is a web directory a search engine? The answer is no, it is not a search engine and it does not display lists of web pages based on keywords; instead, it lists web sites by category and subcategory. The categorization is usually based on the whole web site rather than one page or a set of keywords, and sites are often limited to inclusion in only a few categories. Web categories often allow site owners to directly submit their site for inclusion, and have editors review submissions for fitness.
A good web directory contains a list of various websites which have been compiled by website reviewers. Some of good directories I know are DMOZ, Yahoo directory, and BOTW.