Of all the characters, I like Mrs. Romaina Sproutwell, she is naturally funny without her knowing it. She reminds me of my mom too, who stays positive in every situation. In the new episode, I liked it when Baby Green named the dog Phyto but it was typically spoiling when his sister named it again with the same name.
Since, this is the second webisode, I was curious with the FreshFunds.com because every time the webside ends – you can see their URL. When I went to the website, I saw Ruby Red then the tag line that says they will be giving out prizes on August 15, today! Hmmm… Sound really exciting isn’t it? I kept on visiting the site every now and then to check if the prizes up for grabs are already revealed.
By the way, here is a copy of the second webisode. Have fun viewing!
This is the first time I’ve heard of this. Is it still on going?