Shopping is almost all women’s favorite hobby. When they are happy, they shop. When they are sad, they shop. When they feel normal, they shop. And, did you know that shopping comes close to second to eating as an immediate solution to depression?
There is nothing wrong when a woman shops. It is but natural that women love to buy things and most of the times, things that they don’t need. Hehehe…
But, let’s be rational, shopping is good but everything that is excessive is bad. Shopping is bad for your budget and bad for your credit card but shopping is not bad when you do it wisely. So the question is, how do we shop wisely?
There are many answers to that question but as for me, there are only a few of them that fits to be called as a rational and best answer and here they are…
1. Shop for things you need. Avoid your wants. Therefore, plan your shopping route for the items that you need to buy.
2. Shop within your budget. Never over spend. Therefore, find an alternate product or brand of the item that you need which is within your means.
3. Shop with coupon codes. Gather all the coupon codes that you might need, you will save a lot of dollars using them. After using them, you will find extra bucks to stash for things you might want aside from what you need. The savings you will get from using coupon codes will give your shopping budget more spending power!
Now, you can shop till you drop this 2011. Just don’t forget, shop wisely!