Sports fans come in all shapes and sizes, including the tiniest fans, babies. While a baby may not know what it means to support a sports team, his or her parents’ excitement makes them feel excitement. They’ll smile and coo right along with the cheers happening around them. Starting baby off with a few pieces of NFL baby gear is a good way to start instilling team spirit in them.
Parents Support Rival Teams
In situations where the parents support different teams, baby sure can have gear for both. The only difficult part would be when these teams play each other. In the event that it happens, mom usually wins.
Make sure baby has a full outfit. Consider an outfit including a onesie, socks, pants and a hat. Match the baby’s gear to items that you own, so that you are all a matching family.
Supporting Multiple Sports
In every season of the year, a different sport is played. Some sports overlap for a couple of weeks. It can get hectic keeping up with baby’s gear and what team plays when. A good way to keep everything organized is to keep baby’s sports gear in a separate drawer and separated by sport season. This takes away a lot of the fumbling through piles of clothes to find the right team’s items for the next big game.
Washing Logo Clothing
When washing baby’s gear, always wash it inside out. With a lot of the clothing having screened on or ironed on logos, they design can come loose after multiple washes. Keeping the design on the inside of the item helps protect it.
Let Baby Choose His or Her Team
As baby gets a little older, perhaps toddler stage, allow him or her to pick which team’s gear to wear. He or she may pick mismatching items, but supporting more than one team at once is not a bad thing. Friends and family will enjoy seeing photos of baby picking his or her outfit for the big game.
While an infant really has no idea what is happening in a sporting event, they will react to the actions of those around them. The more excited you are over big plays, the more excited they will get. Around the toddler years, when they start speaking full sentences, you can start explaining why your excitement builds and why wearing team gear is important.