If you cannot get away from the city even for just the weekend to rest and relax in an out of town getaway, the next best thing you can try is to swim in pools. Locate a resort nearby, book yourself for the weekend, tag along your friends, pack your trendy swimsuits and you are all set! Do not forget your sunnies and your sunscreen, too, as you can also get those tan lines since you will be exposed to the sun for a considerable amount of time.
Of course, staying in a local resort can be quite stressful on a weekend when most of the locals are flocking the same destination, or when the resort is performing some maintenance operation or replacing goldline salt cell in their pools, that is why it is best to book before hand to beat the other patrons and get the most convenient date and time that will be perfect for your schedule.
Swimming in pools can be the most relaxing and fast way to get your much needed r and r. Go for it!