Thank you Mommy Mitch for this wonderful tag!
Participants: Startin’ A New Life, Too | All Things Me | Because Life Is Fun | Feels Like Home | My Happy Place | Iam Dzoi| Suburban Sass | To the Moon and Back | Raising Sandy | Momma Stuff | We are Family | Etc Atbp | Pinay Mommy Online | Your next…
I am: a stay at home mommy.
I think: my CTS is getting worst.
I know: that someday, he will find me beautiful in his eyes.
I have: been waiting for my connection.
I wish: my connection will be back soon.
I hate: people who wants to see other people suffer.
I miss: my hubby very much and I want to see him.
I fear: of having to go to another separation again.
I hear: my family at my back talking.
I smell: Efficascent Oil.
I crave: for more pizzas and some veggie burgers.
I search: for images for my posts or for decorations.
I wonder: when will we go back to Bacolod.
I regret: that I have made many wrong decisions in my life.
I love: my hubby, my children, my family and my friends.
I ache: whenever I remember bad memories.
I am not: an angel, but I wanted to become one.
I believe: that God truly exist.
I dance: when I like doing so.
I sing: when I want to.
I cry: when I feel blue.
I fight: for my family.
I win: some.
I lose: some.
I never: thought of being a blogger.
I always: try to grab a task everyday to keep my credit away!
I confuse: with colors because I am color blind.
I listen: to my heart rather than my logical brain.
I can usually be found: at my computer table.
I am scared: of the past.
I need: a hug from my hubby and children.
I am happy about: my blessings despite many trials and sufferings.
I imagine: that my family is in Bacolod right now.
Those are great answers Ruby! I wish nothing but love and joy for u, hope hubby returns home soon! *HUGS*