Thankfulness is celebrated in the US while they slice up their turkeys for Thanksgiving Day while we Filipinos observe the National Day of Mourning for the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre today. In one day, in one sentence, you could see the irony of it all, the happiness and sadness of two places.
As thankfulness is concerned, I am happy and thankful that God has been generous to me and my family. We have endured another year of hardships and trials but still we are standing with His gracious blessings. I also thank Him for giving us another wonderful blessing, Bella Grace, with her cooing and smiles make the pain go away. I thank Him for the developments my children, Micah and David, are achieving at school and also the improvements my hubby is showing. I am also thankful that even how hard up we are with our finances; we were able to get through it all.
As for the victims of Maguindanao Massacre, I couldn’t help but feel sad about it. Imagining how the families of the victims are going through, I can already feel the sadness inside my heart and the hate I have for the killers. These heartless monsters did not only inflict pain to the victim’s family but a national shame that overshadowed the victory and fame Manny Pacquiao and Efren Penaflorida brought to our country. It is just so hideous to imagine!
But through it all, I am still praying for justice for the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre amidst the thankfulness I have for the generous blessing the Lord have given to me and my family.
In behalf of my husband Jun, my children Micah, David and Bella, I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving Day! FEDex us some turkey, will you? LOL!!