Oh well, you can’t blame me. So far, this is the fastest loading template I ever seen and has many spaces for widgets to be placed. OurBlogTemplates.com really did a good job at this one. The only problem is that I couldn’t personalize the header image. You can only put a background image on it but could not change it all.
Anyway, I am back here again but more plain and simple! I removed all the annoying widgets and made this blog as light as possible to make loading easier. And maybe the next time you will see a template change here is when I have successfully migrated from blogger to wordpress. Yup! You heard that is right. I am now seriously thinking of transferring this blog of mine to my web host and turn it into a wordpress themed blog. Self hosting your blog has many advantages and one of those is control. But that is still under serious consideration for now while for my other blogs with domain hosted by blogger, I already have decided. I will transfer some of them at the end of the month or maybe next year. I am still currently studying how. 😀
women talaga are known to be fickle-minded. hehe. btw, i have a meme for you.
i like your gliterry Christmas background