I love traveling. It’s great to be able to experience a different environment, food, people and other things. It’s like rediscovering something you haven’t known existed before. When I visit a new place, I make sure I try all the local delicacies and recipes. It’s great to taste a different kind of food. Here in the Philippines, although it is a small country, and yet cultures vary, depends on where you’re coming from. Each island would have a different way of doing things, different way of cooking, different ways of dressing up. So when I go to a new place, I get very excited. It’s cool to meet new people. You will discover that even we live in a one country; each people group will have different cultures.
One of the best destinations in going places would be the Philippine resorts. We have the best and most beautiful places to see and visit. I haven’t gone to all our resorts yet but I have seen, read and heard from people about them… which makes me want to travel even more. When traveling time, it is best to search about the place first and find out what to do where and where to do what. That is the best advice I can give to those who love to travel also. This way, we have a glimpse of what’s going to be happening in that place.
Makes me wonder, when can I go visit other places again?
hi mommy ruBz.. i see taga cagayan d.i ka? fellow bisdak d.i hehe anyway naa ka kmukha mommy rUbz, c hmmm wait ah let me recall her name. Susi ata na siya? sa unang hirit. hehehe 🙂 nwie, take caRe.Ü