Since the time I have bought my hubby his weights, I can’t help but notice how serious he is doing his routines. For the first few days, he did it almost every night. Then later he does his routine in alternate.
What really made me happy since the arrival of the weights is that he doesn’t go out drinking anymore. After eating dinner, he plays NBA Live 2008 using our PS2 for about an hour and a half. Then he goes on with his gym routine. After that, he will rest while playing again. Then, he sleeps.
Oh well, I guess it’s too early to tell if he is really true to his word that he will stop drinking. I know a man is not an island, so sooner or later he will seek his friends. And once he is with his friends again, there is no way of telling if he can still say no to an alcoholic drink.
Anyway, for now, I am just happy that he is using the weights I bought him as his fat burners. I know it took us almost half a year of careful deliberation whether to buy him or not. Finally, he has convinced me and I am glad to see that he is using it. Besides, I told him that if I see the weights lay around the floor with dust covering it, he will surely see it flying towards his face! LOL! 😀