The phrase ‘dad blog’ might be a bit off-putting for those who have never read one before. When you hear ‘mum blog’ it all sounds a bit gentler, so what can you expect from a dad blog? The fact is, you can expect anything and everything from a dad blog. They come in all shapes and sizes, cover any manner of subjects and can make you laugh and cry in equal measure. It only takes a few seconds on a search engine to find literally thousands of these blogs. To help you along here are a few that I’ve enjoyed reading recently.
This is one of the many blogs that cover all different subjects and with regular updates he has built up quite a lot of followers. Recent blog posts include his children’s take on the new Royal baby, hiring a ‘manny’ to take care of the children and a conference for dad bloggers. Getting the dad’s perspective on a few of these things is very useful and there will be a blog post here for you no matter what you are interested in reading about.
Not everyone is a DIY enthusiast and even if the title of the blog did not give it away, a few minutes reading and you would be in no doubt that this particular dad is keen on those household tasks which send most people heading for the Yellow Pages. Being a dad is part and parcel of his life so there are stories interspersed with these about the challenges he faces with his kids and the great time that they have together as a family. For a fun read, this one is definitely a must and I’ll be pointing my other half in its direction very soon.
Another blog which covers a whole range of tops is this one. Writing Pad Dad is the musings of a father turning 40 and juggling family life, work life, and hobbies. If there is a man in your life who is about to hit this milestone birthday then make sure he reads this. I know plenty of people who have almost had a breakdown at the thought of getting to be this old, but read this and they will realize it is nothing but another number. He manages to remind his readers that his family is far more important than any birthday and brings the insight of a teacher, dealing with children each day in the classroom as well as at home.
Dad blogs deal with all the things that dads have to face each day. Children’s issues are not the only things that affect them, so in that respect, they are similar to our mum blogs. Just because a person is a parent does not mean that they develop tunnel vision and the dad blogs are doing the same as mum blogs by trying to point this out. Along the way, they are also trying to give you a few laughs, and in some cases, a lot of laughs!