People are viewing online games as recreation, a way to de-stress from the many worries of life. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that for even the Bible says that for everything there is an appointed time and I am assuming that includes time for recreation.
If you are fond of playing the now popular card and casino games online, that is your choice. However, you should know your limitations. The thin line between the need for recreation and being dependent on it becomes blurred when we put it way before anything else and when we start involving money in the process. Yes, online gaming sites may encourage users to gamble for money and often, this leads to gambling addiction.
This is when the whole thing becomes a mental disorder because you try to stop but you just can’t; not anymore. Even if your family asks you to stop because there are other more important things in life, you cannot control yourself anymore. But you can win over it. Just like when you become dependent on alcoholic beverages or illegal substance, there is hope and cure for this kind of addiction.