Well, I guess you have already noticed that I have changed back my wordpress theme even before I was able to blog about my new one. What’s the reason? Well, it’s a long story and it has something to do with emergency blogging accidents like you lost your blog database and you don’t have a backup of your recent post. Will talk about it soon, but I am not sure to which of my blogs am going to blog about it. LOL!
Anyway, just to make sure you are always updated with my latest blog posts from my blogs, please don’t forget to follow my twitter accounts at:
I have connected the RSS feeds of blogs to these accounts. Make sure you follow both because they don’t contain the same blogs in each account. *wink*
So, what’s really up with me? What am I doing online? Well, I have been very busy doing my online tasks so that I could earn moolah for the family. Aside from that I am also busy playing my favorite game application at Facebook namely My Town and of course getting back to plurk and twitter. And oh, I am also busy doing an online project for charitable causes. I wanted to make a difference even how small it is for others.
Anything major going on? Well, there are many major projects that I have on my mind and currently doing. Aside from the charitable cause I mentioned, I am also cooking up another contest for this blog. Actually, the pending contest that I should have launched sometime last December but I eventually postponed because I lacked sponsors and I believe the prizes needs more luster!! And I am also planning to update my other sleeping blogs and turn them into moolah making machines. Plus, I am also planning to blog about many things that I think it would be very beneficial to all neophyte bloggers like me (yes, I still consider myself neophyte because I am still learning).
Anyway, that is how things are going with me. Now, the question is? How are thing going on your side? Care to share? Will appreciate it, please comment below! 🙂
Neophyte? Mukhang professional ka na nga sis! hehe
Paula’s Place
WAHM sa Pinas
OO nga problogger ka na eh 😛
Hello! It so good to be back! =) Well I love your new template. I guess your favorite color is pink..=)
Visiting from BC Bloggers. Have a nice day! 🙂
Mommy Diary
Paula’s Place
WAHM sa Pinas
sorry with your blogging predicament,I hope natapos mo na ang pag copy/paste ng mga nawala mong post.
Hi, yes I noticed your change, and I have to say I like it, it looks really cute, keep up with the good work
Super busy pala buhay buhay mo mommyrubz and you still manage to make a difference. wow galing.