With my weight problem saga, I think I have boiled down to two diet pill brands. I want to compare diet pills so that I will get my money’s worth and slim down fast. I am thinking of either Slenda, which has Resveratrol, or Fitrum, which has Green Tea Extract and L-Carnitine. Both are fat burners and come from natural sources.
The price range of both products is comparable, around P12 for each capsule. If I take two a day, I would be spending between P24 to P25 daily. So I am still thinking if I can maintain the additional expense especially that my youngest daughter’s expenses are getting higher. P25 can be a small amount but if you talk about 1 month to 6 months, that is already a big amount.
If not, then I will just save my P25 in my new piggy bank and then I will buy something for myself when Christmas comes.