While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage our advertisers in the future, we’ve decided to disable your account.
Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We realize the inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
They have disabled my account! Why? I don’t know. I have not clicked my own ads and I have not done anything to violate their TOS. They just lead me to a page that disabled accounts are caused by invalid click activities. Invalid Click Activities?? No idea!!
Anyway, a friend told me over YM that if somebody wants to sabotage my AdSense account, he or she may get me disabled by clicking my ads several times. Click fraud does not only mean that I click my own ads but somebody might be clicking it numerous times. Oh well, whoever clicked my ads that so many times, I don’t why you’re doing it but you didn’t helped me earn. You contributed to my children’s hungry stomach!! If nobody did sabotage my ads or AdSense is just up with disabling my account, can’t do anything about it. It’s there life.
Though I only earned $10 plus with it in my 8 months of existence in the blogosphere, it’s an amount well earned from good intentions and not from clicking my own ads!
OK, next…in the issues of my dying marriage. Gesh!! It’s been a month plus already since we arrive from Bacolod and we haven’t tasted any part of my husband’s salary. He hasn’t supported us. It’s also been two weeks that he hasn’t made contact with us, even just a simple text from his mobile. When I call him, his mobile phone is either out of reach or if he answers it, he is drinking with his buddies and would tell me that he will send later or tomorrow. Well, what do you know?! Tomorrow never dies! I am so much in blazing anger right now. After leaving my credit card with too many debts from his unwanted needs (he promised he will be the one to pay), I ended-up paying it with blogging income and he didn’t even send money for the kid’s needs. I really prayed for patience on this matter. I don’t want to feel hate and anger against him but when I am faced with too many credit related calls and my children’s hungry stomach, I want to explode!! Anyway, I felt like giving up already on him. This is the second time that he left us with so many debts. I love him but every time we have many issues on responsibilities, he is gone with the wind! He is a hopeless case and I need faith to go on. I need to go on for my children. I need to survive and fight for them!
Guys, I need your prayers right now. I am so down and overwhelmed by circumstances.
Thanks in advance!!
hi there. read your post… adsense does that, happened to 2 people I know (khit wla ingat na ingat din sa clicks at wla nman maling gngwa).
abt your personal sit, oh my grabe ang dami problema ano? pero kaya ntin lahat yan. need to be strong. I’m actually in a very similar situation.din alam til kelan kaya. but still hanging on…
cheer up & blessings for us!
wandering elephant
hang in there mommy ruby. you’ll see, everything will turn out alright. you’re a good person and good things happen to good people. =)
I can’t imagine the emotions that you’re going through now..na ngkapatong patong na ang tanan..but what reminds me is that God doesn’t allow anything in our lives that we can’t bear…So, I know that you can hold on, Rubs..It might be tiring..but continue to rest in the Lord.
God bless!
I think they just send it to all the Google users cos I receive the same mail but I just ignore it lols.
hmm i dunno about adsense…i never earn there! ggrrrr
Deranged Insanity
Traipsey Turvey
ALAKAZAM!!! The genies are back, and this time, we have the Magic Lamp of Luck for you! 🙂
RUBY!!! I’m so sorry to hear abt your situation, I hope this lamp will bring u much needed luck dearie! HUGS and loads of GP love for u!! :):):)
That’s sad…,I can’t log in too to my account…ibig bang sabihin nito pagkatapos mo silang bigyan ng kita eh itatabi ka na lang nila? dapat bayaran nila iyong 10 dollars mo…because you have earned that honestly.
Don’t worry though God will provide…don’t expect anymore from your hubby so you won’t be left frustrated.
You are a tough woman , you can survive with your kids…I’ll be praying for you.
I hope things work out better for you soon!
Hi Ruby,
I’m sorry to hear about your current situation. I am in a tight situation myself, and I’m not doing any better.
But we’re both moms, and our children give us the strength to face the trial and not just turn our backs on it.
I will be including you and your family in my prayers. Have a nice day.
Hey Mommy…
Haven’t been here in a while. Medyo busy with life…I’m slowly getting back on track.
Prayers going your way. I’m sure you’ll get over all these trials coming your way. Just keep going forward…
Mommy J
hi sis, adsense???deny ang aking application dyan kasi daw yung language use (may minimal tagalog post kc ako)…i hope you will be reconsidered.
anyway ruby, just be strong for your kids…luv u sis mwahhh