Ma’am Samira Gutoc or Ate Sam is a well-accomplished woman. She has the education and the work experience to back it up. But, I am not voting her because of these. These are all but common in all the other candidates. Me… I am voting for her because of the things she stands for. And, as promised, I am going to share my reasons why I am voting for Ma’am Samira Gutoc this May 9, 2022, for senator.
Why only three? Well, there are many reasons but I will only give you three why I was immediately convinced to vote for her.
Reason # 1 – She is into ACCOUNTABILITY.
Her platform includes government transparency. Though she initially wants to prioritize small-scale accounting of the pandemic response funds, I am sure she will pursue more transparency in the government. I personally want someone who will stand for the welfare of the people and make sure the funds are spent properly.
Reason # 2 – She has a CAUSE.
Her major advocacies are women’s and IDP’s rights and protection. She wants to empower women and protect those people who are internally displaced due to war and conflict. She wants to represent this voice in the senate.
And personally, I believe that having these advocacies in mind, she will be able to contribute greatly to passing laws that are helpful and relevant. Well, I know some men in the senate can think about this, but it still needs a woman to understand other women’s needs. Besides, she is a mom and I know she will also feel how women in different sectors feel. She is also for the youth.
As for IDP rights and protection, this advocacy is close to her heart. She is from Marawi and after what happened to the city, she can relate to the pain every IDP’s felt after all these years.
Reason # 3 – She is for the ENVIRONMENT.
Man or woman, if the person has the environment at heart, I am going to vote for him or her. The world is full of capitalists and pro-capitalists. We also need people who will take care of the environment which will eventually if damaged will affect the poor first than others.
This notion of pro-environment for Ate Sam is not mere words. She served as a working group member of the Philippine Muslim Women Council and advocated for the protection of the watershed. She also pushes for the creation of the Lake Lanao Development Authority.
To summarize it all, I see Ate SAM as the A.C.E. that the 19th Congress of the Philippines needs. So, please don’t forget SAMIRA GUTOC this MAY 9, 2022. She is #32 on the official ballot!