When the first day of December finally arrived, I think I was still in denial. I couldn’t believe that time had flown too fast. It seems like it was just yesterday that we celebrated the New Year and now, we are already close to having 2011.
Today, I can really feel it. I can really feel the arrival of December. Not that I am psyching myself or whatsoever but technically speaking, I can really feel it. Why? Because of the cold breeze and the endless Christmas decorations I see everywhere. I can see that it is indeed already December!!
Though December is here, I think I am not still up for some celebrations. Aside from the fact that I have to write several articles on industrial bearings, I am not yet prepared financially. I have no money to buy gifts and food for Christmas and New Year dinners. I am still BLANK on these things and it is making me SAD because I really wanted to have the best Christmas for my children to remember!!
Anyway, I just hope that the blessings will come just in time for Christmas and of the New Year. I want to have it late better than never, don’t you?