I am so very happy to announce that all my readers are geniuses! I stumbled upon a site that rates your blog’s reading level. So, when you find yourself reading my blog and understand all my ramblings…therefore, your a genius!! Isn’t that nice!
BARKing at Work!
I got out from work early today. I had a flu with cough and colds. I was hoping I could stay longer because the remaining demands of my work but unfortunately…I was barking like a dog (coughing I mean). I was ashamed that I asked my big boss that I wanted to go home. I…
Back to Work Again!
Today is Monday. It’s back to work again. My mom have arrived to take care of the children. We didn’t get another house help. I guess my mom is far more better in taking care of my children temporarily since I have 4 weeks left until I fully become a full-time “stay at home mom!!”…